Healthy Food Swap | Ideas & Recipes | Latus Health

10 Healthy Food Swaps

  • February 20, 2019
  • By Latus Health

Why not try our recommended healthy food swaps for the next time you do your food shop?

1) Porridge Instead Of Breakfast Cereals

While packaged breakfast cereals may look like a healthy option, in reality, most cereals are laden with sugar. This can lead to a mid-morning sugar slump which will have you craving more. Instead, try starting your morning with a healthy food swap alternative bowl of low-GI porridge, which is not only packed with nutrients but is a good source of slow-release energy that will fill you up quicker and keep you feeling full for longer.

2) Pure Fruit Spread Instead Of Jam

Prefer to start your mornings with a few slices of toast? it may be worthwhile substituting jam and marmalades for a healthier spread as a healthy food swap. While most fruit jams are packed with added sugars or chemical sweeteners, pure fruit spreads are sweetened only with sugars that occur naturally in fruits. Because of this, they deliver the same sweet taste only with fewer calories and no artificial additives.

3) Maple Syrup Instead Of Sugar

All sugars are high in calories and should be consumed in moderation. If you must use a sweetening product, our Healthy Food Swap pure maple syrup is a healthier option than refined sugars. While refined sugars are stripped of nutrients, maple syrup is packed with minerals – including manganese, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc – as well as antioxidants. Maple syrup also has a lower GI ranking than table sugar.

4) Popcorn Instead Of Crisps

In terms of health, most crisps don’t have much going for them. Not only are they high in saturated fats, calories, and salt, but they have next to no nutritional value. Find yourself craving a salty snack between meals? Swap your crisps for a packet of plain or lightly seasoned popcorn. Not only will you be giving your body a boost of antioxidants, nutrients, and fibre, you could be saving yourself around eight grams of fat and 50 calories per 25g serving.

5) Fruit Instead Of Snack Bars

Many people believe that cereal, nut and fruit bars are the perfect in-between meals snack. However, as with so-called healthy cereals, many of these bars are actually packed with cane sugar, corn syrup and saturated fat. In fact, cereal bars can contain as much fat, sugar and calories as a chocolate bar or a couple of biscuits. If you fancy a sweet snack between meals, reach for a piece of fruit instead and save yourself over 100 calories.

6) Sweet Potatoes Instead Of Potatoes

Although potatoes contain several nutrients, sweet potatoes may be a better option for those watching their weight. While potatoes are high on the glycemic index, so can lead to energy slumps and cravings, sweet potatoes are a complex carbohydrate with a much lower GI ranking. In addition, sweet potatoes are packed with minerals and vitamins including antioxidant beta-carotene. Try swapping your jacket spud for a baked sweet potato, and chips for sweet potato wedges.

7) Extra Virgin Olive Oil Instead Of Vegetable Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest oils around. This is due to its high monounsaturated fat content and antioxidant properties. The monounsaturated fats (‘good’ fats) in olive oil can not only help with weight loss, but they can help control cholesterol levels and lower your risk of heart disease. Try to buy olive oil in glass bottles to avoid the PCVs absorbed from plastic containers, and use in place of vegetable oil for salad dressings and low- to medium-heat cooking.

8) Quinoa Instead Of Couscous

As with potatoes, there is nothing wrong with couscous in itself, however by swapping the processed grain for quinoa you could benefit from a far more nutrient-dense and waist-friendly meal. Quinoa is not only less processed, gluten-free and a good source of slow-release energy, it is a much better source of fibre and one of the best plant sources of protein. In addition to this, quinoa is packed with nutrients including iron, phosphorous, magnesium and zinc.

9) Homemade Sauces Instead Of Jarred Sauces

Most pre-made sauces are heavily processed, packed with unnecessary sugars and salt, and contain chemical preservatives to keep them fresh. Rather than filling your cupboards with jars and bottles, try making your own sauces from chopped tomatoes, herbs, spices and a variety of fresh vegetables. Not only will you be skipping all the nasty additives and extra calories, but you will help boost your intake of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – a great Healthy Food Swap top tip!

10) Frozen Dessert Instead Of Ice Cream

Ice cream may be one of the most popular desserts around. Unfortunately, the frozen treat is extremely high in sugar and fat. Craving dessert but want to save on calories? Try swapping ice cream for a bowl of low fat frozen yoghurt. Alternatively, try a sugar-free fruit sorbet or dairy-free ice cream alternative made from oats or cashew nuts. Not only are these easier to digest, they are generally a lot purer and lower in saturated fats and refined sugars.

Other sources Healthy Food Swap ideas:

Get some inspiration on the food swaps is the NHS website for eating well. 

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