Revealed: Europe and employee wellbeing - Latus Health

Revealed: Europe and employee wellbeing

  • June 24, 2022
  • By Latus Health

Employee wellbeing isn’t just about direct stressors at work. To get a full picture we have to examine factors around work intensity, and financial security, as well as more indirect factors such as political stability and health. We’ve researched 16 European countries and provided data points across a variety of factors that contribute to employee wellbeing for World Wellbeing Week (commencing 27th June).

Check out the ranked data below as well as breakdowns for each country:

FinancialWork intensityEmotional/healthTotal score
Ranking (worst to best)CountryAverage salaryDisposable incomeGross household saving rateHours worked averageFlexible workingAlcohol/tobacco spendStressAbsence rate due to sicknessEnvironment

(sustainability innovation)

Political stability


16: worst in Europe

13-15: extremely poor

10-12: poor

7-9: moderate 

4-6:  good 

2-3: extremely good

1:  the best in Europe 


1. Poland 

Ranks the worst in Europe on ⅔ of financial security factors 

Ranks extremely poorly on average salary, average amount of hours worked, stress levels, sickness absence rate, and the environment 

Ranks poor on political stability

Ranks the best in Europe on alcohol and tobacco spend (low spend)


2. Czechia 

Ranks extremely poorly on average salary, disposable income, flexible working, stress and absence rate due to sickness 

Ranks poorly on average hours worked and the environment

Ranks moderately on gross household saving rate, alcohol and tobacco spend and political stability 


3. Spain 

Ranks extremely poorly on disposable income and gross household saving rate, as well as political stability 

Ranks poorly on average salary, flexible working, stress levels, and sickness absence rate

Ranks moderately on average hours worked and the environment 


4. Portugal 

Ranks worst in Europe on average salary and the environment

Ranks extremely poorly for disposable income and gross household saving rate 

Ranks poorly for average hours worked, flexible working and stress levels

Ranks moderately for sickness absence

Ranks good for political stability and extremely good for alcohol and tobacco spend


5. UK

Ranks worst in Europe for flexible working 

Ranks extremely poorly for gross household saving rate, environment, and political stability

Ranks poorly for disposable income and alcohol/tobacco spend

Ranks moderately for average salary

Ranks good for stress levels

Ranks extremely good for sickness absence rate

Ranks best in Europe for average hours worked 


6. Italy

Ranks extremely poorly for average salary and political stability

Ranks poorly for disposable income, gross household saving rate and flexible working

Ranks moderately for average hours worked, stress, sickness absence rate

Ranks good for environment and alcohol/tobacco spend


7. Germany 

Ranks worst in Europe for absence rate due to sickness 

Ranks poorly for average hours worked, stress and political stability

Ranks moderately for average salary, disposable income, alcohol and tobacco spend, flexible working

Ranks good for the environment 

Ranks extremely good for gross household saving rate 


8. Belgium 

Ranks poorly for alcohol/tobacco spend, political stability and stress

Ranks moderately for disposable income, gross household saving rate

Ranks good for average salary, flexible working and the environment

Ranks extremely good for average hours worked 


9. Austria

Ranks extremely poorly for stress

Ranks poorly for average salary, sickness absence rate and the environment 

Ranks moderately for gross household saving rate, average hours worked and political stability 

Ranks good for flexible working and alcohol and tobacco spend

Ranks best in Europe for disposable income 


10. France 

Ranks worst in Europe for political stability

Ranks poorly for average salary and disposable income

Ranks moderately for flexible working, the environment and alcohol and tobacco spend

Ranks good for gross householdsaving rate, average hours worked, stress and work related absence


11. Norway

Ranks extremely poorly for flexible working, alcohol/tobacco spend and sickness absence rate

Ranks moderately for the environment

Ranks good for average salary, gross household saving rate, average hours worked

Ranks extremely good for disposable income,stress, and political stability


12. Iceland 

Ranks worst in Europe for average working hours and alcohol/tobacco spend

Ranks extremely poor for absence rate 

Ranks poor for gross household saving rate

Ranks moderate for absence rate due to sickness 

Ranks extremely good for disposable income, flexible working, stress 

Ranks best in Europe for political stability 


13. Sweden 

Ranks extremely poor for average hours worked and alcohol/tobacco spend

Ranks poor for environment

Ranks moderate for average salary 

Ranks good for disposable income, gross household saving rate, stress, sickness absence rate and political stability

Ranks best in Europe for flexible working 


14. Switzerland

Ranks extremely poor for average hours worked, flexible working, stress

Ranks poor for alcohol/tobacco spend 

Ranks good for disposable income 

Ranks extremely good for average salary, environment and political stability

Ranks best in Europe for gross household saving rate and absence rate due to sickness 


15. Netherlands

Ranks poor for stress 

Ranks moderate for disposable income, sickness absence rate, and political stability

Ranks good for flexible working and alcohol and tobacco spend

Ranks  extremely good for average salary, gross household saving rate, average hours worked, and the environment


16. Denmark

Ranks extremely poor for alcohol and tobacco spend

Ranks poor for gross household saving rate

Ranks good for average salary, disposable income, average hours worked, political stability

Ranks extremely good for flexible working and absence rate

Ranks best in Europe for stress levels 

For further details, see the unranked data below: 

CountryAverage salaryBasic hours workedAlcohol, tobacco spend per capita (dollars)Work-related stress/burnoutSickness absence ratePercentage of people usually working remoteDisposable incomeInnovation score in sustainabilityGross household saving ratePolitical stability index
United Kingdom47,14736.5846.1346%4.64.70%24,50877.57%0.47
Italy37,76939.2531.7749%11.7 (avg.)12.20%22,142124.610%0.44
Portugal28,41039.3513.0150%11.7 (avg.)13.90%18,56738.97%1.03
Iceland67,45843.51574.128.6 (avg. of nordic countries)12.229.30%32,206 (average of nordics)68.211.8% (avg. nordics)1.39


If you’re interested in supporting your team to improve their mental health in the workplace, why not check out our free Workplace Wellbeing Downloads available here.


Works Cited

Clark, D. “• Average annual wages in Europe 2020.” Statista, 14 April 2022, Accessed 24 May 2022.

Clark, D. “• Innovation scores in environmental sustainability Europe 2021.” Statista, 23 July 2021, Accessed 24 May 2022.

Clark, D. “• People sometimes working from home Europe 2020, by country.” Statista, 31 May 2021, Accessed 18 May 2022.

Clark, D. “• People usually working from home Europe 2020, by country.” Statista, 28 May 2021, Accessed 21 May 2022.

Degenhard, J. “Real alcohol and tobacco consumer spedning forecast in Norway 2010-2025.” Statista, 2021, Accessed 18 May 2022.

Degenhard, J. “Real alcohol & tobacco consumer spending per capita in Europe 2020, by country.” Statista, 20 July 2021, Accessed 20 May 2022.

Eurostat. “Gross Household Saving Rate, 2019.” Eurostat, 2019, Accessed 20 May 2022.

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