Time to Talk | Mental Health | Latus Health

Time to Talk

  • February 4, 2020
  • By Jack Latus

Time to Talk Day 2020 will took place on

Thursday 6 February.


On Time to Talk Day we want everyone to have a conversation about mental health – whether that’s texting a friend, chatting to a colleague or organising a stigma-busting event.

With 1 in 4 of us experiencing a mental health problem in any given year, there has never been a better time for your workplace to get involved in Time to Talk Day. Choose to talk about mental health this Time to Talk Day The more conversations we have about mental health, the more myths we can bust and barriers we can break down – helping to end the isolation, shame and worthlessness that too many of us feel when experiencing a mental health problem.

Furthermore, why not go the extra step and introduce mental health first aid training within your workplace.

Mental Health First Aid is First Aid – but not for physical health.

This is a course to equip a number of your employees with the skills to help if you come across anyone in emotional or mental distress. You are more likely to come across someone needing mental health first aid than you are having a heart attack – and yet workplaces and community groups routinely only have physical first aid available. This needs to change and we are part of that change – delivering MHFA training for Adults.

Why do the training?

People come on the courses for a variety of reasons – they work with vulnerable groups who may be more likely to exhibit emotional or mental distress. Or they may be a line manager who wants to do the best for his staff by finding out how to support someone at work who may become distressed. Or their work is customer facing and they need the skills in case they are required – just as a physical first aider is prepared to intervene if and when needed.

For more information on how Latus Health can deliver mental health first aid training then Download our brochure or call 01482 633048

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